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This is the gateway to all of the reporting functions in Lading manager. You can run, view, and print reports from here. You can also create your own queries against the Lading Manager data as well.

If you update certain items (such as the date range), you can save your changes by pressing the button in the top, left corner. This button will only "light up" when a change has been made.

How To Run A Report
Set the Date Range
The reports are sensitive to a date range. Only the data with a bill date in the date range will be reported.

You may manipulate the Start Date and End Date calendars by using the controls on the calendars themselves, using the Calendar Speed Buttons (located below the calendars), or by using the Special Speed Set Buttons (also located below the calendars). You will find that the Calendar Speed Buttons will work the best for most reports.

The current date range selected will always be shown at the top of the screen.

Run the Report
Click on the Reports tab at the top. Click on the report that you wish to run and press the button. The report data will be extracted and the results placed into the print queue.

View the Report
All reports go to the print queue and will display as the last report in the queue. Click on the report and press the View/Print Entry button.

Other Reports Notebook Topics
Notebook Pages
Reports Page
Print Queue

Reports Available
Carrier Master List
Shows Carrier number, name, address, phone number, fax number, email address, web address, and both contacts' data.

Carrier Report
Shows BOL No., Consignee and Origin by Carrier. Each Carrier is on a page by itself. Handling Quantity, Package Quantity and Carrier Weight are shown and tallied, based on Carrier Information.

Only BOLs with dates in the date range will be shown.

Closed Bills by Carrier
Shows Carrier, State or Province, by BOL No. Handling Quantity, Package Quantity, Carrier Weight and Freight Charges are shown and tallied, based on Carrier and State or Province. Tallies are by BOL No. Freight Charge cost per 100 lbs (or kg) is calculated.
Only shipped BOLs with dates in the date range will be shown.

Closed Bills by State or Province
Shows State or Province, Carrier, by BOL No. Handling Quantity, Package Quantity, Carrier Weight and Freight Charges are shown and tallied, based on State or Province and Carrier. Tallies are by BOL No. Freight Charge cost per 100 lbs (or kg) is calculated.
Only shipped BOLs with dates in the date range will be shown.

Consignee Report
Shows BOL No., Carrier and Origin by Consignee. Each Consignee is on a page by itself. # Packages and Weight are shown and tallied, based on Customer Order Information.

Only BOLs with dates in the date range will be shown.

Daily Summary Report
Shows BOL No., Consignee, Origin and Carrier by date. Handling Quantity, Package Quantity and Carrier Weight are shown and tallied, based on Carrier Information. Tallies are by date.

Only BOLs with dates in the date range will be shown.

Freight Charges Report
Shows BOL No., Consignee, Origin and Carrier by freight charge terms. Freight Charges, Handling Quantity, Package Quantity and Carrier Weight are shown and tallied, based on Carrier Information. Tallies are by freight charge terms.

Only BOLs with dates in the date range will be shown.

Lot Number Report
Shows BOL No., Date, Consignee (name and phone number), Commodity Description, Handling Quantity, and Package Quantity.  Handling Quantity and Package Quantity are tallied.

You will be prompted to entry the lot number to be shown. (The date range is not used for this report.)

Origin Report
Shows BOL No., Consignee and Carrier by Origin. Each Origin is on a page by itself. Handling Quantity, Package Quantity and Carrier Weight are shown and tallied, based on Carrier Information.

Only BOLs with dates in the date range will be shown.

Predefined Carrier Info. Master List
Shows all of the Predefined Carrier information. (The date range is not used for this report.)

Inventory Reports
Inventory BOL List
Shows BOLS that used inventory data for a specific Item or Inventory Number within an Item. It is grouped by Inventory Number and sorted by BOL No. within each group. Quantity used is tallied.

All BOLs for the Item or Inventory Number are shown.

This report is requested from the Inventory grid.

Inventory Detail by Supplier
Shows inventory data, grouped by Supplier and Item. Remaining Quantity is tallied.

Only inventory that has been received in the date range will be shown.

Inventory Summary by Supplier
Similar to the Inventory Detail by Supplier, this report shows only a one-line tally for each Item within the Supplier.

Only inventory that has been received in the date range will be shown.

Inventory Detail by Location
Shows inventory data, grouped by Location, and sorted by Item within Location. Remaining Quantity is talled.

Only inventory that has been received in the date range will be shown.

Inventory Pick List
Run from Bill Maintenance, this produces a report listing all inventory items used on the BOL. This report is intended to be used as the guide in gathering the inventory required for this BOL.